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『英検集中音読企画』第3部 6月2日課題

『英検集中音読企画』第3部 6月2日課

Nuclear Energy



Main Question: Should the government abandon nuclear power?

Question1: What can be the aternative energy source for nuclear energy?

Question2: Do you think the number of countries that use nuclear energy will increase in the long run?

Question3: What effect will nuclear energy make to the environment?

Question4: What can be done to prevent the disaster of nuclear accidents?




図1 男性が町で原発廃止の署名活動をしている人達を目にする
図2 自宅に帰ったところ、原発の恐ろしさを特集したテレビを視聴
図3 ネットで調べたところ日本では沢山の原発が稼働している事を知る
図4 男性が先日の署名活動の場所で署名

Main Question: One day, a man was walking on the street.

Question1: What can be the aternative energy source for nuclear energy?

Question2: Do you think the number of countries that use nuclear energy will increase in the long run?

Question3: What effect will nuclear energy make to the environment?

Question4: What can be done to prevent the disaster of nuclear accidents?