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『英検集中音読企画』第3部 6月8日課題

『英検集中音読企画』第3部 6月8日課

Civil Rights for LGBT People



Main Question: Should the civil rights for LGBT people be accepted?

Question1: Will there always be discrimination against LGBT people?

Question2: What can be done to prevent the offence against LGBT people?

Question3: What are the problems about legalizing same-sex marriage?

Question4: What do you think is the reason for discrimination in general?




図1 女性が大学に入学し、外国人の男性二人と友達になりました
図2 しばらく経ち、二人との会話の中で、二人がカップルだという事が判明
図3 その後「日本、LGBTの人への市民権認められず」の報道を目にする
図4 翌日、昨晩の報道について困惑の表情で話し合う3人

Main Question: One day, a woman was at the university.

Question1: Will there always be discrimination against LGBT people?

Question2: What can be done to prevent the offence against LGBT people?

Question3: What are the problems about legalizing same-sex marriage?

Question4: What do you think is the reason for discrimination in general?