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DAISUKE英語習継続サロン 公式ブログです。当サロンでは1日20分の英文音読企画を始め、様々なイベントを不定期に行っています。

『英検集中音読企画』第3部 6月24日課題

『英検集中音読企画』第3部 6月24日課

Hoarding House



Main Question: Should the government take more drastic measures toward hording houses?

Question1: What do you think is the reason people hoard rubbish?

Question2: What can be done to resolve the hoarding house issue?

Question3: What action is necessary to maintain safe and hygienic environment in the local community?

Question4: What are other local resident issues that local communities are facing other than the hoarding house issue?




図1 最近引っ越してきた若い夫婦。新しい地域で新生活で喜んでいる様子
図2 女性が近くを散歩したところ、ごみ屋敷を発見。悪臭がして困惑した様子
図3 近所の女性数人と会話。地域住民もごみ屋敷の存在に困っている様子
図4 帰宅後旦那に相談。せっかく新生活を楽しみにしていたのに、ガッカリな様子

Main Question: On day, a married couple moved to a new town.

Question1: Look at picture No.4. If you were the woman in this picture, what would you be thinking?

Question2: What can be done to resolve the hoarding house problem?

Question3: What action is necessary to maintain safe and hygienic environment in the local community?

Question4: What are other local resident issues that local communities are facing other than the hoarding house issue?