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DAISUKE英語習継続サロン 公式ブログです。当サロンでは1日20分の英文音読企画を始め、様々なイベントを不定期に行っています。

『英検集中音読企画』第3部 6月28日課題

『英検集中音読企画』第3部 6月28日課

Mandatory Retirement Age and Work Style Diversity



Main Question: Should Japan’s mandatory retirement age be abolished?

Question1: Should job promotions be based on performance or on seniority?

Question2: Will the trend toward part-time employment negatively affect Japanese society?

Question3: Some companies think that it is acceptable for employees to have a side job. Do you agree or disagree?

Question4: Would you prefer to work for a company, or create your own business?




図1 会社にて。50台ぐらいの男性が働いている会社のオフィスにて、定年退職する社員7~8名を見送っている
図2 人数が減り、男性は大忙し。遅くまでオフィスで仕事をしている
図3 新入社員が入社。2名しか入してこず困惑の様子。人数は足りていない
図4 人手不足の中、果たして自分は何歳まで働く事になるのかと考える男性。70歳まで?80歳まで?生活の保障は?今後の人生に色々悩む男性

Main Question: One day , a man was at his office.

Question1: Look at picture4. If you were the man in this picture, what would you be thinking?

Question2: Will the trend toward part-time employment negatively affect Japanese society?

Question3: Some companies think that it is acceptable for employees to have a side job. Do you agree or disagree?

Question4: Would you prefer to work for a company, or create your own business?