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『英検集中音読企画』第3部 6月4日課題

『英検集中音読企画』第3部 6月4日課

Poverty in Developing Countries



Main Question: Should the developed world help developing countries overcome poverty?

Question1: What do you think is the main cause of poverty in developing countries?

Question2: Which is the greater threat to humankind, terrorism or world hunger?

Question3: Will there always be poverty in the world?

Question4: What things can you do to help people in developing countries?




図1 女性が家でテレビを観ていると、貧困の国を救う募金のCM
図2 翌日街中でNGOが募金活動をしているのを発見
図3 帰宅し家族で夕食。衣食住に恵まれている環境に、少々複雑な思い
図4 1週間後、NGOに加わり街中で募金活動をしている女性

Main Question: One day, a woman was watching the TV.

Question1: What do you think is the main cause of poverty in developing countries?

Question2: Which is the greater threat to humankind, terrorism or world hunger?

Question3: Will there always be poverty in the world?

Question4: What things can you do to help people in developing countries?