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DAISUKE英語習継続サロン 公式ブログです。当サロンでは1日20分の英文音読企画を始め、様々なイベントを不定期に行っています。

『英検集中音読企画』第3部 6月11日課題

『英検集中音読企画』第3部 6月11日課

Clean Water and Good Sanitation



Main Question: What can we do to help solve the worldwide freshwater and sanitation shortage?

Question1: What can be done to make people aware of water shortage?

Question2: What kind of things do the developing nations need for good sanitation?

Question3: Do you think wars are more likely if fresh water runs out in some countries?

Question4: Do you think technology may help increase our future supply of freshwater?




図1 綺麗なトイレを使ったり、水を出しっぱなしで歯を磨いたり、不自由のない暮らしをしている人々
図2 地震津波が起こり、家が壊されてしまう
図3 避難所で、トイレが足りず、水の配給に長蛇の列で待つ人々
図4 被災地にて、アフリカに井戸を掘る新聞記事を読み心を動かされる人

Main Question: Water is a valuable resource in our daily lives.

Question1: What can you do to save water in your daily life?

Question2: Do you have anything prepared in case of a disaster in your home or workplace?

Question3: What kind of things do we need for good sanitation?

Question4: Do you think technology may help increase our future supply of freshwater?