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DAISUKE英語習継続サロン 公式ブログです。当サロンでは1日20分の英文音読企画を始め、様々なイベントを不定期に行っています。

『英検集中音読企画』第3部 6月12日課題

『英検集中音読企画』第3部 6月12日課

Plastic Pollution



Main Question: What can be done to reduce plastic pollution in our oceans?

Question1: What do you think will happen to the environment if we keep using the same amount of plastics?

Question2: What can people do to reduce plastic use?

Question3: Do you think the number of countries that ban using or selling plastic bags will increase in the future?

Question4: Japan sends plastic waste mostly to Malaysia. What do you think about this?




図1 海水浴に遊びに来ている小学生ぐらいの男の子。大人がプラスチックごみを捨てている姿を見つける
図2 そのことが気になり、帰宅して図鑑を調べる
図3 海の生き物が餌と間違えて食べる等大きな問題だと学ぶ
図4 1か月後また海水浴に来た男の子。環境汚染を気にして、自分のごみをしっかりとゴミ袋に入れて保管している姿。

Main Question: One day, a boy was at the beach.

Question1: What do you think will happen to the environment if we keep using the same amount of plastics?

Question2: What can people do to reduce plastic use?

Question3: Do you think the number of countries that ban using or selling plastic bags will increase in the future?

Question4: Japan sends plastic waste mostly to Malaysia. What do you think about this?