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DAISUKE英語習継続サロン 公式ブログです。当サロンでは1日20分の英文音読企画を始め、様々なイベントを不定期に行っています。

『英検集中音読企画』第3部 6月30日課題

『英検集中音読企画』第3部 6月30日課

University System in Japan



Main Question: Should the university system in Japan be reformed?

Question1: Do you think Japanese universities should change their enrollment time to September?

Question2: What country has an ideal education system that can be a good model for other countries?

Question3: Do you think that the value of a college education will change as technology improves?

Question4: What would you like to study if you are going to college now?




図1 大学受験生が一生懸命勉強している
図2 合格発表で喜んでいる受験生
図3 コロナ禍で全国一斉休校のニュースを見ている学生
図4 オンラインで授業を受けている学生

Main Question: One day, a student was studying hard to pass the collage entrance exam.

Question1: If you were the student in the forth picture, what would you be thinking?

Question2: Do you think Japanese universities should change their enrollment time to September?

Question3: Do you think that the value of a college education will change as technology improves?

Question4: What would you like to study if you are going to college now?